Who is the star at ballet?
Second blog text from books. Its book where is different ballets. There is probably the most beautiful pics of book what I have ever seen. The book is color of gold. The pic is cute and there is Nutcrackers. The full story where is true is that: inside you can be prince even only looks like carved from wood. If I can choose the ballet first it could be Swan bond. What about Beauty and the Beast ? The Nutcrackers of course tell a lot for me, but I should be secret whats its mine favorite. Are you ready to ballet with me? Except I have been dancer I don't dance ballet at all. Shall we go to the stand? Whats we have? Does we have power more than magic? When have to go flirting with prince have to had brand shoes. Its could be like immobility at stand where we have to be quiet. Have you ever seen mine the most expensive shoes? Shall you probably took me to dates to ballet and dining? Or does I have information enough form that kind of culture? How it was? The doll forget him role. Th...